Vaporesso Switcher Review | Performance and Customization

The Switcher is a customizable dual-18650 mod by Vaporesso


Vaporesso Switcher intro

The Vaporesso Switcher is the newest offering from Vaporesso. A follow-up to the excellent Revenger X the mod was originally named the “Kosupure”, which is Japanese for cosplay (the act of dressing up like a character). The company later changed the name to the “Transformer”, and finally to the Switcher.



Is Teen Vaping Really An Epidemic?

2015 was the peak of the “teen vaping epidemic.” But was it really an epidemic?


The issue of teen vaping is being used by vape opponents as a wedge to discourage public acceptance of e-cigarettes as an adult product.

The reason for that is pretty simple: vaping is much safer than smoking and any adult who switches will improve their health. Vaping helps smokers; that much is basically undeniable. So if you understand that, how can you argue that vaping is a bad thing?


FDA is About to Crack Down on Non-Compliant Vapes


The FDA looks ready to begin enforcing the most restrictive of the existing regulations written into its Deeming Rule: the ban on innovation of products after the grandfather date.

Most vapers know the date by heart: Aug. 8, 2016.

That’s the date after which no new vapor product can come to market without first successfully going through one of the three pathways the agency offers: substantial equivalence (SE), premarket tobacco application (PMTA), or modified risk tobacco product (MRTP). Getting approval to market new products through those routes is probably impossible for the vast majority of independent vaping companies.
